Woodbine Special Utility District is a govermental entity formed in 1969 to serve rural members in eastern Cooke County. The operation of the District is under the direction of a seven member board of directors. Each director is elected to a three year term by the customers of Woodbine S.U.D. An annual meeting is currently held on the last Monday in March. Monthly board of directors meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month in our office located at 17 CR 209 in Woodbine at 7 pm.
Woodbine Special Utility District currently has ten full time employees serving approximately 6500 residents. The District has eleven water wells which provide all of the water to the system. The District has roughly 200 miles of water mains stretching from just east of Gainesville to just west of Whitesboro, and from just south of Callisburg to just north of Lake Ray Roberts.
Woodbine Special Utility District is dedicated to provide the safest and highest quality drinking water as can be found. We constantly invest time and money to make this possible. Our wonderful board of directors has the mindset of doing it first class when it comes to maintaining and expanding our system. This pays off for years to come, providing our customers with continuous quality service.