Board Meetings

Monthly board of directors meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Next scheduled meeting is Thursday August 8, 2024.

Board Members:

Board members: Vernon Dugger, President; Wray Westbrook, Vice-President; Ryan Molsbee, Secretary/Treasurer; Mike Compton, David Tiller, Kenny Wilson and Randy Thurston, Board Directors; Derek Kays, General Manager

Notice of Regular Board Meeting

Woodbine Special Utility District Board of Directors

Notice is hereby given to Directors, customers, and the interested public pursuant to the Texas Open Meeting Act, Tex.Gov’t code551.001 et seq.  that the Board of Directors will convene in regular session on July 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Woodbine S.U.D. office located at 17 CR 209 in Gainesville, TX.

1. Call to order

2. Establish Quorum

3. Open Forum

4. Consent Agenda 

4.1   Approve minutes of regular meeting held on June 13, 2024

4.2   Approve check disbursements

4.3   Approve financial reports

5. General Managers’ Report

5.1 Leaks, Sales & Production Report

5.2 Well Report

5.3 Equipment Update Report

5.4 Attorney letter

5.5 Budget Review

6.  Action Items

6.1 Discuss and take possible action on letter from Attorney regarding multiple homes on one (1) standard meter.


7. Executive Session

8. Adjournment


Posted July 8


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